Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Soccer League

Wanna tell y'all some about yearly event hold in my school: A Soccer League!
This event is so awesome so far. I've been a supporter for many teams since two years. Soccer league includes 10th, 11th and also 12th graders to join. Whata know is they are divided into groups to against each team. This year I wonder about two things:

1. Why there weren't any girl soccer extracullicular to make?
Okay that's a lil bit stupid because up until now I havent even seen any girl in my school give enthusiastic expression while Mr. Giyanto yells out for soccer lesson at school field. HAAAHH wth I'm talking about....skip!

2. Are supporters just able to do less on their 'job' cause there was a seniority?
I'm now 11th grader student, I am a senior but also have lotsa seniors. I know how become both feels like. Once upon a time while the stormy match by 11th vs 12th graders side (no mention on what class), the atmosphere there was changed to hectic moment in sudden. As a senior I know that junior has to be more polite on facing their seniors. But then again my force, 11th graders, were acting outta line (re: acted unpolitely showing off our opinion of the game). Well of course 12th grader got mad for it! They felt unrespected. So that there was a cute little small unyu conflict in between this league.

I love how this unyu conflict went on btw. What? You think I'm mad? Hell no. I'm even thankful for this hectic moment for some approval. I think that my school is under a good surrounding where there is no silly catfight that beating each other, or asking juniors-who the seniors think they have stupid problem-to come to small and dark place in school corner just to bully them. And guess what readers? My school has no culture for it. Thank god! Even that unyu conflict just finish with sweet mouth from every single person who are embroiled on this. And about the seniority is just so proper like usual. No beating up that ended up stupidly and looks alike backward clownish teenagers.

Talking about soccer, my class, XI Social 1 is about to go on to semi final tomorrow! Wish y'all luck, fellas! And let's push in peace surrounds :)

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